Friday, June 16, 2006

Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails

A set of tools that enables rapid building of Web applications with Ruby on Rails and DB2.

Startup Toolkit for DB2 on Rails has everything you need packaged in to a single one-click installer that will make your Windows PC in to real RoR development workstation. This includes the Ruby language itself, the Rails framework, DB2 enablement for Ruby on Rails, assorted learning materials and, naturally, DB2 Express-C 9 test drive (formerly known as DB2 Viper). And, if you are familiar with DB2 Express-C then you know that there are absolutely no charge for developing, deploying, and even redistributing DB2 with your applications. Yes, completely free and including way cool pureXML technology.
There is also a new blog dedicated to DB2 and Ruby on Rails at

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Free PHP and Oracle Manual is Available

The free Underground PHP and Oracle Manual is hot off the press. Check it out. The OTN team describe it:
"Just starting out with PHP database development, or unsure how to install PHP and Oracle? This full-length guide (PDF format) includes everything you need to know (and more)."

Monday, June 12, 2006

RSS Available on my Page

Now you can read RSS newsfeeds from your desktop.

What is RSS?
RSS provides a way for web sites to distribute their content outside of a web browser. A news web site might have an RSS newsfeed which contains breaking stories, while a magazine web site may provide a feed with excerpts of their latest articles.

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (XE) Installation Issues Roundup for Windows

After installing XE, one of the first things you'll do is to go to the database homepage. If something went wrong with the installation, you will see a generic error message...
More on Sergio's Blog

New Release of Oracle Database 10g Express Edition

Oracle database XE now also available on Ubuntu, Mandriva, and Debian.
Get download packages for these additional distros here, and .deb install tips here.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Demos @ Oracle By Example

You can use this page to play demos to learn how to use various features of the Oracle Database.

Here is a list of the demos you can find there at the moment, there will be more comming up:
Oracle Database 10g Release 2
  • Using SQL Baselines
  • Using Metric Baselines
  • Install ASM single instance in its own home
  • Install ASM single instance in the same home
  • Migrate a database to ASM
  • Setup XML DB to access ASM
  • Access ASM files using ASMCMD
  • Transport a tablespace version to another database
  • RAC scale example
  • RAC speedup example
  • Use Oracle Clusterware to protect the apache application
  • Use Oracle Clusterware to protect the Xclock application
  • Use Transparent Application Failover (TAF) with SELECT statements
  • Runtime Connection Load Balancing example
  • Install ASM in its own home in a RAC environment
  • Convert a single-instance database to a RAC database using Grid Control
  • Push Management Agent software using Grid Control
  • Clone Oracle Clusterware to extend your cluster using Grid Control
  • Clone ASM home to extend your cluster using Grid Control
  • Clone database home to extend your cluster using Grid Control
  • Add a database instance to your RAC database using Grid Control
  • Basic use of services in your RAC environment
  • Thursday, June 08, 2006

    One open source platform for managing your entire environment

    Hyperic has open sourced their management infrastructure.
    HQ provides an inventory of all the hardware, software and services deployed in your infrastructure as well as supplying alerts on events and allowing control of various software resources.

    Wednesday, June 07, 2006

    Storing images on the database

    Article on OTN about storing images on the database.

    Tuesday, June 06, 2006

    Installing Oracle XE under Debian/(K)Ubuntu - it is easier than Windows by Jeroen van Wilgenburg

    Yesterday I installed Oracle XE at my Ubuntu Linux server at home. I wanted to do this for a long time but was a bit scared because installing non open source applications under Linux can be really painful. I searched on google and found a tutorial on OTN. That's a promising START.

    Translation in APEX - Mini how-to

    Hi all,

    I will try to give You my example of solving translation of application in APEX.

    Main parameters:
    Primary language: en (English)
    Translation lang: hr (Croatian).

    Read more

    1.Firstly you have to define primary language (Application Builder>Application 500>Edit Globalization Attributes) and select your primary language (Application Primary Language: English (en).
    2. On the sam page define Application Language Derived From as "Application preference (use FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE).
    3. Define translation mapping "Application Builder>Application 500>Shared Components>Translate Application>Application Language Mappings" and create mappings for your second language (example is hr (Croatian)).
    4. On the login page or first page if you don't have login, create hidden field (P101_LANG i n my example replace for your usage). It is used for rememebering current language
    5. Create new application process (Application Builder>Application 500>Shared Components>Application Processes)
    Name: redirect
    Process point: On load before header
    Type: PL/SQL Anonymous block
    Conditions>condition type: Request=Expression1
    Conditions>Expression1: LANG
    Process text (here is the code):
    IF nvl(:P101_LANG,'en')='hr' THEN
    END IF;

    6. Login page: on this page create one button with label in your primary lang. point on second language. My example label is "Croatian" in english as primary language and translated to "English" in Croatian. This logic is used for having just one button saying "Croatian" when I'm in english web page and "English" when I'm in croatian web page.
    Button has "Optional URL Redirect" with :
    Target is: page in this application
    Page : your login page number (most probably 101)
    Request: LANG

    7. For all other pages i use new item on navigation bar defined as:
    Label: Croatian (secondary language) in Croatian translation label is "English"
    Target>Target Type: Page in this application
    Target>Page: &APP_PAGE_ID. (don't forget dot on the end)
    Target>Request: LANG

    8. Export XLIFF
    9. Translate
    10. Import translation
    11. Publish translated app
    12. Enjoy
    That's all folks.

    Main logic is to create same process for every page that is triggered if the request is LANG. This process changes the FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE preference that as far as I know can not be changed as other common app parameter but using HTMLDB_UTIL.SET_PREFERENCE function. With hte process in place you just have to implement link on every page for itself with request=lang and tha language will change.

    I hope this is useful for everybody because it took me 6 bloody hours to do figure it out.

    Published on Oracle forum by Dark Lord